
Beginners doing great!

Our beginner block course is over the halfway mark, and our learners are doing great! This week they’ve been getting to grips with the imaginatively-named “over the head, behind the back” and learning to link that with previously learned moves

AGM 2022

Thank you to all who came along and shared ideas and opinions on the year that was and where to from here.

Congrats to our Exec Paula (President), Denis (Vice), Sue ($) and Yolanda (Secretary) who were re-elected unopposed, and

CCU done and dusted!

Congrats to Danka and Kevin on their 1st place in Masters, also Carol and Pete, and thank you to all involved in putting on such a great evening on Saturday! A big thank you also to Graeme for the Whittakers

Dancing under Orange

We’re back on the dance floor but still at Orange!

Please wear masks when coming into or leaving the hall, stay home if you’re not well, and look for the green name-tag spot that indicates if someone is ok with